Yuen: During this period of time, the whole country, regardless of government, civil society or academic community, has been paying close attention to this matter because it has gone beyond our endurance. What on earth does the Philippines want? 阮次山:这一阵子,我们全国上下不管是政府、民间,社会,学术团体,都在密切注意这个事情,因为弄到我们整个社会已经忍无可忍:你这个菲律宾到底想干嘛?
Sir Gus O'Donnell, Britain's top civil servant, looked into the matter and reported back on October18th. 内阁秘书长奥唐奈,英国最高职位的人民公仆,已经介入调查此事并在10月18日给出了调查报告。
JSTOR settled its civil issues with him, and considered the matter closed. jstor与施瓦茨达成民事和解,并认为此事已经了结。
Obviously, the German question arose entirely from external factors, while the Taiwan issue, left over by China's civil war, is a matter of China's internal affairs. Diamond in the rough or rough diamond External causes become operative through internal causes. 显然,德国问题完全是由外部因素造成的。而台湾问题则是中国内战遗留的问题,是内政问题。
International Convention on Certain Rules Concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision 船舶碰撞中民事管理辖权方面若干规定的国际公约
For legal aid for civil matters, the legal matter of claiming compensation by the blind, deaf, dumb, minors and senior people for an act of tort is listed in the legal aid scope. 在民事法律援助中,特别将盲、聋、哑、未成年人、老年人追索侵权赔偿的法律事项列为援助范围。
Second, civil society leaders have taken place in similar "Chen Bridge mutiny" of the matter, or their own school. 二是民间领袖人物发生了类似“陈桥兵变”的事,自己还是下课。
Financially speaking, civil people can choose not to buy his new homes, no matter how he changed his packages or developer names. 从经济方面看,无论他如何改变他的促销政策或更换公司名,国内的民众可以选择不购买他的新房子。
Generally speaking, typical security refers to hypothec, right of pledge and right of lien stipulated by code of civil law, and the real right of security set by which through subject matter is limited. 典型担保一般指民法典所规定的抵押权、质权和留置权,是以标的物设定具有担保作用的定限物权为构造形态的担保,担保权人享有的是定限性的权利。
In detail, we should take feasible steps such as reducing gross rent, improving civil servants 'welfare, increasing the chance of exposure, strengthening the punishment, enhancing the transaction costs and so on, exactly to the matter. 具体说来,要在减少租金总量、改善公务员福利、增大暴露机会、加强惩罚力度、提高交易费用方面采取有针对性的、切实可行的措施。
The definition of capacity of civil liability is confusing, no matter in theory or legislation. 什么是民事责任能力,不论是理论界还是立法界,认识十分不统一,甚至有些混乱。
In traditional theory of civil law and practice, the subject matter of pawn is only confined to chattel, transfer of its possession is required to constitute business pledge, and real estate is excluded from business pledge. 在传统民法的理论和实践中,典当标的物仅限于动产,且以转移对该动产的占有设定营业质权,不动产不能设定营业质权。
Analysis on civil compensation's matter of listed company for false accounting information 虚假会计信息引发的民事赔偿问题探析
According to the technical economical characteristic and product feature of civil aviation, creative application of the theory and tactics of modern marketing is an urgent matter for the sustained health high-speed development of civil aviation in China. 根据民航业的技术经济特征和产品特点,创造性地应用现代市场营销理论和策略,是中国民航业持续健康高速发展的当务之急。
The enactment in article 26 of Electric Power Regulation Act, which avails administrative way to settle civil matter, violates principles of law, so we suggest the enactment be rectified. 《电力监管条例》第26条的规定违背了电力争议调解的性质,实质是用行政法律手段解决民事法律关系中的问题,应予以完善。
The party as inherent fatalities of the liberal government to obtain power changed into the carrier for national interest and civil welfare no matter whether it held the power or not. 作为自由政府固有灾祸,以获取权力为首要目的的政党,变成了国利民福的载体,其掌握政权与否,殊所不计;
He reconciliation agreement in the enforcement is not defined as its due lawful situation and effect, and it lacks the remedy of the law system, thus the reconciliation is defined of its status as civil agreement as a matter of fact. 我国的法律未能明确执行和解协议所应当具有的法律地位与效力,且在制度上欠缺救济手段,在事实上否认了和解协议的民事协议地位。这是《乐园》的一个重要主题。
However, the codification of Civil Law is not ever an occasional matter, but a necessary result of certain historical foundations. 然而民法的法典化从来都不是偶然的,它是特定历史基础的必然产物。
Civil society is a matter of professional ethics to focus on the transition, but also give full play to the functions of civil society needs is the need to build service-oriented government, but also the prevention of corruption, an important means of promoting clean government. 公务员职业道德建设是社会转型期要重点关注的问题,同时也是公务员充分发挥职能化的社会需要,是建设服务型政府的需要,也是防治腐败、促进廉政建设的重要手段。
A comprehensive analysis of the situation and thinking ability of the town government civil servants, and the capacity-building in-depth study to improve the capacity of the town government civil servants has become a matter of great significance. 全面分析和思考乡镇公务员能力状况,深入研究乡镇公务员能力建设,提高乡镇公务员能力,成为具有重要意义的现实之需。
Vice versa, interests also can make township civil servants work negligent, lazily, inactively, to make matter worse, interests can become a tool to seek individual gains and interests, which cause serious harm to the public interests. 反之,利益可以使公务员工作懈怠、敷衍,甚至成为谋取个人私利的工具等,严重损害了公共利益。
In 1998 our government has also signed the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Right", approved only a matter of time. 1998年我国政府也已经签署了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,批准只是时间问题。
Possession is an important concept in civil law, on the one hand as the power of ownership, on the other hand is a matter of the control and dominance, while possession of property crimes in the criminal Law is an important concept. 占有是民法中重要的概念,一方面作为所有权的权能,另一方面是对物事实上的控制与支配,同时占有也是刑法财产犯罪中的重要概念。
Civil enforcement subject changes and additional problem, no matter from the implementation theory study Angle or executed practice Angle, is a difficult and important problem. 民事执行主体的变更和追加问题,不论从执行理论研究角度还是执行实践角度,都是一个疑难而又重要的问题。
In the civil action of the continental law system, the interim judgment which is founded on a pre-settlement of the matter is that the way a pre-determined, the matter on behalf of the judiciary. 大陆法系民事诉讼中间判决制度就是针对先决事项的解决而创立的,是先决事项司法判定方式的代表。
Korean civil law will be attributable to the fault of the subject matter as a statutory right to terminate the constituent elements. 而韩国民法将归责事由作为法定解除权的构成要件。
Virtually the controlling of public rights and the relief and protection of civil servants 'rights are the two sides of this matter. They can neither be mixed nor separated. 而实际上控制公权力的行使与公务员权利的救济和保障是一个问题的两个方面,既不能混淆,也不能截然分开。
Third Party objection complaint with the implementation of general civil litigation is distinctive, mainly reflected in the proceedings of the causes and the ultimate objective, v. state of war and other aspects of the subject matter. 案外人执行异议之诉与普通的民事诉讼之所以不同,主要体现在诉讼的形成原因和终极目的、诉争标的物的状态等方面。
Personal property in good system has been for most of the state civil legislation admitted that, but whether real estate shall be incorporated into the good will of the system to category, no matter in the field or in practice are controversial. 动产的善意取得制度已经为大多数国家的民事立法所承认,但是不动产是否应当纳入到善意取得制度的范畴内,无论在学界还是实务界都颇有争议。